
Photo Credit: Patrick Shannon

executive director

“COVID-19 continues to awaken us to the reality that nature is the bottom line, that science and expertise are crucial to our survival, that we are all connected and that our actions matter.” “These are all tenets of the Foundation, and reasons why this organization will play a critical role in advancing our transformation to an economy characterized by clean energy, justice and strong ecosystems. Shifting humanity toward survival will require all of us stepping up. I’m here to do all I can.”

David Suzuki Foundation, Press Release October 6, 2021

keynote speaker

“We are perpetuating intergenerational injustice: Climate Change is the ultimate example of an intergenerational crime. 

Helsinki, Finland 2017

media and broadcast

This is an interesting moment in the narrative of Canada. Reconciliation offers us a chance: we need to learn from First Nations people; age old cultures with tried and tested knowledge on how to survive.

Samaqan: Urban Rez Productions on APTN

get in touch

“This is an incredible time to be alive: each of our actions matter.  We have the opportunity to be part of a narrative of transformation, to play a role in the human story.” 

Write: Severn Cullis-Suzuki, c/o New Data Enterprises
PO Box 19011 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC Canada V6K 4R8

Email a message: Contact us!

That speech I gave at the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 truly has a life of its own. In 2019, Swiss artist Simone Giampaolo reached out to tell me about a project he and a team of animators were working on… a collaborative animation of the 6 minutes of the speech to the UN.
In this visual poem, they have created something truly magical and moving.
Only a Child is an award winning film and is making its way around the world at various esteemed international film festivals!

Severn Cullis-Suzuki – All rights reserved